Solar panel contains several photovoltaic cells that collect energy from the sun. After installing a solar system, you should consider how you can maximize solar panel efficiency.
Efficiency indicates the productivity of the solar panel, and it is related to different things. You can increase the output of solar panels by following a few simple steps.
Without getting maximum energy from the sun, it won’t be easy to run the devices on solar power. So, you have to analyze the power production rate of solar panels before and after installing a solar system.
This article will guide you to maximize solar panel efficiency step by step.
Let’s explore the proven steps!
Why Do You Need To Maximize Solar Panel Efficiency?
When it comes to installing a solar panel, there are different things that you will need to factor in first. You need to know what the solar panels will be used for.
- How many appliances do you have?
- Where is your house located?
- How many solar hours do you get in a day?
- Are you just some of the few things you will need to consider before installing a solar panel?
Solar panels vary in type, design, functionality, and solar generation efficiency.
Different solar panels come with different prices, and one crucial thing that you should consider is how many solar panels you need to run your needs properly without running out of power.
Recent data has shown that solar panel installation has drastically reduced, and in 2020 the average solar installation price is $ 3.05 per watt. That means you can easily install solar panels in your home without having to spend lots of dollars.
Solar Panels Installation Costs are still high. It’s better to optimize their efficiency.
Each solar panel has its optimum output result, and it all depends on your needs and how you intend to use your solar energy.
9 Tips Maximize Solar Panel Efficiency
Here we will look at ten ways to maximize solar energy efficiency and consumption.
You will never regret investing in solar systems when you follow these few tips.
Let’s go straight to the tips.
Understand Your Needs And Reduce Numbers of Devices

If you are using several devices on solar power, it is time to calculate your needs to utilize the power. With a standard user chart, you can reduce the devices that run simultaneously on the solar system.
It is the most effective and proven way to increase the efficiency of your solar panels.
Generally, you don’t need all the devices at a time. You use a fan, light, TV, power bank, and other devices at different hours or parts of the day.
For instance, a room with sufficient sunlight doesn’t require additional light during the day. So, you can turn off the light and keep the fan on summer days. It will save huge energy after a month.
Similarly, turn off the laptop or the router to maximize solar panel efficiency when watching TV.
This strategy will give you sufficient energy for all the devices for the entire day. Besides, you can store the additional power on a battery for the night.
It also helps you to get perfect voltage throughout the day. You don’t need to worry about the low voltage problem anymore.
Understanding your needs is very effective and essential for a stable solar system.
If you have a few solar panels, you will need to charge one device at a time. That is because the amount being generated from the sun is limited.
Some tips that would help are never using a hairdryer and an electric razor simultaneously. Never use your dishwasher and vacuum cleaner at the same time. Always turn off your television if you are not using it.
Install backup Batteries

When you decide to go solar, there are things that you will need to buy with it.
Solar batteries should always be in your budget when buying a solar panel.
There are different solar batteries in the market today, and getting the best is always ideal.
Things like solar torch, solar umbrellas, and solar lamps come with their inbuilt solar panels, and during the day, when the sun is available, you should put them out so that they can recharge.
Solar batteries can store solar energy, which you can use at night when in unfavorable weather conditions. Wherever you have a power outage, your solar batteries and solar systems will always come in handy to power your house.
Go Net Metering To Sell Your Excess Energy
Net metering or a grid-tied solar system is the way where you can sell your extra energy. It enhances the usage of the solar system and helps the users establish a cost-effective energy solution.
Governments of developing and developed countries encourage net metering solar systems to reduce the power cut and productivity loss of an area.
You can share your extra energy in two ways.
With a grid-tied solar system, you can provide additional energy to the grid. At the same time, you can use power from the grid when your solar panel is producing less energy than your needs.
After the month, the energy distribution company will calculate the energy you have provided to them and used from the grid. It will reduce the cost and provide the best energy solution for your home.
Secondly, you can share your extra energy with your neighboring house. It might be a complete sharing for their needs or a partial sharing when they don’t have the grid connection.
It will be fruitful for you, and they will get uncut energy during the power cut or load shedding. After the month, you will ask the bill that they have used from your solar system.
You can install the solar panel mutually, and it is more effective than sharing energy from personal solar systems. In this system, you will also have the option to reduce installation costs.
Go With High-Quality Products

You need quality products to get an efficient solar system. Your strategy can only be developed when you have efficient solar panels.
It is very easy to find quality solar panels from a renowned manufacturer. You can find them with these steps.
Ask for Efficiency
What is the efficiency of an excellent solar pane? When a solar panel comes with 19% to 20% efficiency, you can say that it is a high-quality solar panel.
Latest manufacturers offer 21 to 21.9% of efficiency with some models.
Solar Cell Type
You know that solar panels are a combination of solar cells. You have to compare polycrystalline and monocrystalline solar panels to understand their efficiency. You will find a detailed article about solar panel type on our website.
Install the most efficient solar cells to maximize solar panel efficiency.
Cost Per Watt
Don’t just purchase solar panels at a high price. Expensive solar panels can’t ensure efficiency. You have to calculate the cost per watt with the efficiency of the solar panel.
You only pay for productive solar panels as you do for other devices and products.
Install A Solar Concentrator

When you buy a solar panel, you should also get a concentrator. It is a device that allows your solar panel to maximize the solar energy it gets from the sun and make sure it does not lose any power.
It helps to concentrate solar light and converts it to electricity.
The device’s primary role is to concentrate all the sunlight that falls on the solar panel for optimum use.
It always ensures that there is no sunlight lost. It would help if you also used other devices like mirrors to double the advantage and maximize solar energy.
Concentrators are used to maximize your solar panel’s efficiency so that it can suit all your needs without fail. They not only provide efficiency but also save you lots of dollars.
Right Angle and No Shades

Angle and pitch are the keys to getting more sunlight to maximize solar panel efficiency. It’s not simply just like keeping a solar panel under the sun.
A solar panel can produce sufficient energy when it gets plenty of sunlight. You can not provide sunlight all day long without a perfect pitch and corner.
Pitch indicates the solar panel’s slope that helps it remove dust, leap, and rain from the surface.
The south-facing solar panel will get sunlight all day long, and it can receive sunlight for 6 to 8 hours a day. It is the standard time to receive sunlight for maximum production.
On the contrary, shade is the enemy of solar panels. Your system will be unable to produce the minimum energy under the shed.
Be conscious while selecting the space for your solar panels. The shed will stop sunlight and reduce productivity due to low heat.
So, install a solar panel at the south-facing and in a place where sunlight is available.
Keep Solar Panels Clean

You need to work on your solar panel’s cleanliness to maximize efficiency.
Cleaning your solar panels will ensure that no dust or dirt accumulates, which will hinder the solar panel’s functionality.
Solar panels are made with glass materials, so cleaning them should not be hard, wipe the dust off and get maximum solar energy.
During snowy days, always ensure that you remove the snowflakes from your panel every day to enable it to get direct sunlight.
Sun rays need to reach directly on the photovoltaic cells so that they can be able to convert solar energy into electricity.
You do not need to clean your solar panels every day. Cleaning them once or twice a year is never a bad idea.
A recent survey has shown that cleaning your solar panel once a year will enable 21% efficiency and ensure investment return.
Cleaning a solar panel will improve the durability of your panel and improve its efficiency.
Prevent Temperature Increase

Your solar panel will function well, depending on the temperature of the area they are placed.
Temperature conditions will always ensure your solar panel’s maximum efficiency and ensure the panels can get maximum sunlight.
But that does not mean you should overdo it. Different solar panels have different ways they operate if the temperature is extreme.
Others will function properly, and others will reduce their efficiency depending on their temperature.
Solar panels mainly depend on photovoltaic cells, and if the temperature increases, some solar panels will reduce their efficiency.
So, always ensure enough gaps between solar panels and your roof if you want maximum efficiency.
By placing them in a conducive environment, air movement stops heat from affecting the efficiency of photovoltaic cells.
Proper Care & Maintain Your Solar System

If you want to get the best from your solar panel, always ensure that you take good care of them.
If not maintained properly, solar panels will lose their efficiency in the long run.
Clean your solar panels every six months if you want to get the best from them.
Always ensure that they are also placed at an angle where they can get optimum sunlight. You can also get professional advice from a solar panel expert, and they can advise you on how to maintain and take good care of your solar panels for better efficiency.
The expert will fix the issues you are having with your panels and identify the hidden problems that may hinder the solar kit’s performance.
If you want to keep your expenditure to a minimum, always ensure that your solar panels are taken care of and well maintained.
Final Thoughts
Finally, you got effective ways to maximize solar panel efficiency. You have to follow these steps to boost up energy production of your solar system.
We recommend utilizing energy in different ways to reduce cost and production loss. It will be better to use an off-grid solar panel with batteries to develop an independent power source.
You will get sufficient power from solar panels all over the year. A high-quality solar panel will serve you for decades.
You can use more devices on an efficient solar system.
I’m interested on more information regarding the Solar Concentrator. I already have panels installed in my roof and have been looking for ways to increase their production. Not exactly sure what these concentrators are about. Thank You.